Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The stupidity of Trumpcare: Government will spend $33 billion more to cover 8.9 million fewer Americans, as premiums soar

The stupidity of Trumpcare: Government will spend $33 billion more to cover 8.9 million fewer Americans, as premiums soar

33 billion..33?
57th day 308/38 left
thirty three=66
urban institute=44
GOP=38,43,20 Republican=47,61 sabotage=47
americans=38,61/18th prime,47
Those fiscal geniuses in the White House and Republican-controlled=93 Congress have managed to do the impossible: Their sabotage of the Affordable Care Act will lead to 6.4 million fewer Americans with health insurance, while the federal bill for coverage rises by some $33 billion per year.
Also, by the way, premiums=42,51 in the individual market will rise by an average of more than 18%.Heck of a job.
These figures come from the Urban Institute, which on Monday released the first estimate of the impact of two GOP initiatives. The first is the elimination of the individual mandate, which is an offshoot of the GOP tax-cut measure signed by President Trump in December. The measure reduced the penalty for not carrying insurance to zero as of next Jan. 1.

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