Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ariana Grande says she's struggling with 'so much pain' and may have to cancel a show

(CNN)Ariana Grande told her fans that she's "very sick" and may have to cancel an upcoming concert.
In an Instagram post Saturday, the pop star said her throat and head "are still in so much pain," and it's difficult to breathe during a show. She said she'd been struggling with the illness since her concert in London last month.
"I just really don't know what's happening with my body right now and need to figure it out," Grande said.
Although canceling the show is "the last thing i would ever want to do," Grande wrote, fans should take the post as a "gentle heads up" in case she can't "make the show happen" on Sunday.
    Grande is scheduled to perform in Lexington, Kentucky, Sunday, the next stop on her world tour that ends in December.
    Grande said she's taking medication and is on IV drips, "doing everything i possibly can to pull through."
      Her fans wished her well and encouraged her to take care of her health first.
      "We wouldn't want anything happening to our beloved Ari," Ayoade Fridaos tweeted.
      11-16-2019=27,46,66,21,39..320th day 45 left
      it was announced on 11-17 a day with 47th numerology
      Ariana Grande-Butera =119
      "so much pain"=119,47
      she was born 6/26..she is 26..born on the 26th
      From and including: Saturday, November 16, 2019
      To, but not including Friday, June 26, 2020

      Result: 223 days

      It is 223 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
      Or 7 months, 10 days excluding the end date.
      "We wouldn't want anything happening to our beloved Ari=223

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