Saturday, January 26, 2019

Dad outraged after family kicked off flight for body odor by the numbers

Dad outraged after family kicked off flight for body odor

A Jewish family was booted from a flight over body odor — but says anti-Semitism is to blame
why would this happen? fake news again...and is this news if it really happened?
1/25/2019=26,44,64,20,38...25th day 340 left
body odor=44 and 37 "outraged"=44,37
both are 37 years old from Michigan=44, 64 on a day with 44,64 numerology
Yossi Adler=64
Jew=38 on a day with 38 numerology Jewish=38
Jennie Adler=97. 97/25th prime..happened on the 25th
anti-semitism=151 american airlines=151,They are from Southfield=151 they were coming back from Miami=36..151/36th prime

A Michigan couple and their 19-month-old daughter were removed from an American Airlines flight after the airline told them that other passengers and crew members had complained about their body odor.
Yossi Adler said he and his wife, Jennie, were heading home from a vacation in Miami on Wednesday night when they were told there was an emergency and they needed to exit the plane.
The couple, both 37, had eight other children at home in Southfield, Mich., so Adler said that he and his wife were worried that there may have been an incident involving one of them. Later, he said, when he and his wife stepped off the plane and the airline told them that they had been removed because of a stench, they were “humiliated,” “frustrated” and left wondering about the real reason.

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