Thursday, March 14, 2019

Beto O'Rourke enters the 2020 race as the wildcard candidate

Robert Francis "BetoO'Rourke born September 26, 1972)
9/26/1972=35,107,126,36,54..270th day 96 left (leap year) entering race..3/13/2019=16,35,55,19,,22..72nd day 293 left
he announces 168 days (169) after his 46th b-day  .also 24 weeks 
Word or PhraseEnglish OrdinalFull ReductionSingle ReductionReverse OrdinalReverse Full Reduction
"Beto" O'Rourke145555515262
Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke293122131355148
Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke=293..announces on a day that leaves 293 days left in the year. 293/62nd prime. Beto O'Rourke=62. Beto O'Rourke=55 entered the race on a day with 55 numerology. O'Rourke=103/13 he announced 169 days (end date included)  ..169 /13 sq. rt.. 103/27th prime. Born on the 270th day. 270/27..announced on the 72nd day..reflection of 27.
"wildcard"=142 Beto=42 "Forty two"=142
CNN)Beto O'Rourke entered the 2020 presidential race on Thursday, beginning his bid to recapture what made him a star during his Senate race last year while facing for the first time the larger Democratic electorate.
O'Rourke joins a crowded field of more than a dozen Democrats as a wildcard. As with his Senate bid, O'Rourke is building his presidential campaign around an aspirational, Barack Obama-esque call to move past partisan politics -- heavy on emotional appeal and fueled by the force of his own personality. But he has not clearly defined himself in terms of what he actually believes or where his ideology will fit among a group of candidates who range from progressive to more moderate.

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