Saturday, February 29, 2020

Here's what you need to know about the New York plastic bag ban

(CNN)For New Yorkers who rely on plastic bags when they do their shopping: Get ready to pay a little more than you expected. Businesses across the state are preparing for the plastic bag ban that goes into effect on Sunday. Here's why it's happening -- and what shoppers should expect.
In an effort to reduce waste, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation last March that bans single-use plastic bags in New York. Starting on March 1, 2020, most stores and businesses will impose a 5-cent fee on shoppers for paper bags.
    The law aims to help protect wildlife and the environment in the state where over 23 billion plastic bags are used by New Yorkers each year, according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 
    In a statement released from Cuomo's office on February 20th, he announced a statewide education and outreach campaign called the "BYOBagNY" to help New Yorkers prepare for the change. 
    "Right this minute, plastic bags are hanging in trees, blowing down the streets, filling up our landfills and polluting our lakes, rivers and streams — all hurting our environment," said Cuomo in the same statement. "We took bold action to protect our environment and ban these environmental blights and with this campaign we're going to make sure New Yorkers are ready and have all the facts.
    from his 62nd birthday to when the ban is enacted... 

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