Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Strict Enforcement During Nightly COVID-19 Curfew - Police

From Jamaica

The police say provisions under the law will be fully and strictly enforced during the nightly COVID-19 curfew.
The seven-day measure will run from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. effective tonight.
The police say persons who are not exempted under the current provisions of the Disaster Risk Management Act are required to remain within their premises during the hours of the curfew.
Non-compliant individuals who breach the provisions will be prosecuted.
Additionally, persons who are exempted are to travel with valid forms of work identification should they be stopped by the police.
If stopped, persons are urged to cooperate with the verbal instructions of the police, which will include showing their work ID and responding to questions to determine their need to be out during curfew hours, as we continue to help keep you safe.
what a joke as if the authorities care about Jamaicans!
its 4/1 another sick joke played on the fools
 a 13 year old dies in JA of the virus..41/13th prime

Heart Attack Kills COVID Man - 13-Y-O Boy Among Two New Positive Cases

in the USA its called

 the order is called...

 curfew is from 8 to 6

kill=44...$4.50..diesel=36,54 Covid 19=36,54

 4.50 on a day with 45 numerology...

Heart Attack Kills COVID Man - 13-Y-O Boy Among Two New Positive Cases

A 58-year-old man who had a travel history to France and was recovering from COVID-19 died yesterday at The University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI), as government officials intensified calls for Jamaicans to limit movement and interaction to rein in the outbreak.
A teenager from Kingston has also been tested positive for the disease.
The Ministry of Health & Wellness reported that the 58-year-old patient was found unresponsive and was noted to have had a cardiac arrest. It says resuscitation measures were unsuccessful.
Up to news time, it could not be ascertained how the patient contracted the disease or when he tested positive for COVID-19.
France, one of several countries on which the Holness administration had initially triggered travel restrictions before closing Jamaica’s borders to incoming passenger traffic altogether, reported a record 499 deaths in a day, pushing the country’s death toll from the novel coronavirus to 3,523.
With an additional two persons testing positive for the highly contagious disease, Jamaica’s total now stands at 38. 
The two new cases are a 48-year-old female from St Elizabeth, with a travel history from Boston and Atlanta in the United States, who arrived in the island on March 24. 
The second is a 13-year-old boy from Kingston and St Andrew. The ministry says his mode of transmission is under investigation. 
Seven samples from the National Influenza Centre tested negative on Monday evening.

 the 58  yr old man died here...freemasonry=58

 he died on 4/1...
the boy is from

he was 13 years old...
he is 47 
covid 19=92 on the 92nd day
Andrew Holness is a graduate of St. Catherine High School and of the University of the West Indies, where he pursued a Bachelor of Science in Management Studies and a Master of Science in Development Studies.[4] In 1997 he married Juliet Holness (née Landell), an accountant, whom he had met as a student at St. Catherine High School during the 1980s.[5][6] The couple have two children, Adam and Matthew[7]
Holness served as Executive Director at the Voluntary Organization for Uplifting Children from 1994 to 1996 and then joined the Premium Group of Companies, acting as a special assistant to Edward Seaga.
He is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.[8]

Political career[edit]

In 1997 he became Member of Parliament for West Central St. Andrew and served as Opposition Spokesperson on Land and Development from 1999 to 2002. In 2002 he switched portfolio to Housing and then Education in 2005. He was sworn in as Minister of Education in September 2007.
97 was a big year for him....

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