Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bill & Melinda Gates: Why we give our money away

Bill & Melinda Gates: Why we give our money away

44th day 321 left

(CNN)"Is it fair that you have so much influence?"
We've been asked that question more than a few times in the 18 years since we started our foundation. Our answer? No. It's not fair that we have so much wealth when billions of others have so little. And it's not fair that our wealth opens doors that are closed to most people.
33..Thirty three=156
However, we do this work, and use whatever influence we have, to help as many people as possible and to advance equity around the world.
Bill Gates
Melinda Gates
And we are committed to being open about what we fund and what the results have been. (It's not always clear what's been successful and what hasn't, but our foundation team works hard to assess our impact, course correct and share lessons.) Although we've had some success in getting the world to pay more attention to health and extreme poverty, it would be hard to argue at this point that we made the world focus too much on them.

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